voila! no capital letters allowed

ok, so this is all pretty new to me. i mean, i used to be on myspace, but that seemed so self indulgent. this blog will be, too, because i’ll be mostly blogging about myself, but somehow i feel like blogs are less tacky and more intellectual than myspace where people mostly post pictures of themselves taking bong rips and leaving lame posts for each other about how much they love themselves.

i decided this would be the opposite of that. plus, my mom, my big sis, and my sis-in-law all blog nearly qd (qd is pharmacy speak for everyday) so i’m starting to feel it pulsing through my blood. i also figured the writing practice would be good for me, although you will never catch me

my snuggle pug

my snuggle pug

using capital letters. it’s just my thing. if you devote yourself to reading my blog qd, you will quickly find that i have a lot of things.

anyway, i’m typing away on my increasingly obsolete laptop balanced on one thigh while charlie the erstwhile pug snores away on the other. he’s a good boy, but no matter how many episodes of “the dog whisperer” or “it’s me or the dog” or how many of cesar milan’s books i read, this dog is still a total a**hole to anybody who comes to our house outside me, my mom, my dad, and my boyfriend. he hates children (my nephews and nieces call him the devil dog… that actually hurts my feelings a bit, but he has tried biting all of them so it’s understandable), he hates the guy who reads the meter, he hates the mailman, he hates knocks on the door, and he really hates our neighbor’s puggle. but he really loves me so it’s hard for me to give a rat’s arse if he hates anybody else. he’s my little snuggle pug and he could eat kittens for breakfast and i’d still defend what i call his “quirkiness.”

already filed my taxes because being a journalism student i’m all up and up on the news, so i heard that since my dear state’s congressmen and the governator can’t agree on a budget (lazy, stubborn s.o.b’s) that instead of issuing refunds citizens may receive i.o.u’s. but i.o.u’s don’t exactly pay the bills do they? no, they do not. so i figured the sooner i stake my claim on my share of my tax refund, the more likely i will be to actually receive money. we’ll see how that turns out in a couple weeks. if i’m not over $1500 richer, than the irs will get a nasty phone call from me, and they don’t want that. i spend a good chunk of my work days calling insurance companies and trying to convince them to pay for services they should be paying for anyway, so i’m used to yelling and acting all snippy on the phone with douchebags who are trying to save money.

douche and douchebag are two of my favorite words. i even caught my 68 year old father calling someone a douche. it’s just so insulting, yet incredibly descriptive. it’s almost as useful as the f-word. how would i live my life without that word?

also, if you ever want to curse somebody in french- see me. i did an entire project while i was still at de asia community college on verlan (derived from the french l’envers, the reverse) and swear words. Verlan is common french slang in which you take a word, like, for example, merci, switch it up and say it like cimer. it’s really hard to understand if you don’t already speak fluent french, which i don’t, but just knowing about it will get you in with les jeunes de paris. trust moi.

cimer for now, au revoir all.


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6 responses to “voila! no capital letters allowed

  1. anonymous

    I know that pug..we call him a “lap-wamer” though. Return him to me or else I will be cold.

  2. ANDY!

    So i am a little confused… i got the invite yesterday and you already have like 5 blog entries. Did you really write that many entries in like two days?! That’s awesome! As long as you keep spending this much time writing I will take time to read it, it’s only fair.

    • Caitlin

      i know! i just feel so behind all these other blogging people so i figured i’d crank out as many as possible as quickly as possible. it’s so good to hear from you!! check in often ok? love ya!!

  3. I am ashamed! I came without an invite, but I hope you don’t mind?

    Charlie the erstwhile pug can eat my kittens any day, especially if they’ve thrown up on the carpet recently. I’ll watch my ankles the next time I visit.

    Heehee! Hearing your dad say “douche” would have made me double over in laughter and possibly snort.

    My little cheekybaby wants to take French. I’ll send her your way if she wants to know more French obscenities than “merde” (the only one I know). I also only remember “Dans la masion, il ya et la salon blah blah blah le pere, la mere blah blah blah” from second grade when those five of us who didn’t have to do spelling got to do a few months of French.

  4. I found you through your sister’s link and I’m hooked! You are ridiculously adorable and I love your sarcasm. I can’t wait for more posts and to get to see the world through your eyes 🙂

    Do you live in Paris?

    • Caitlin

      haha, thanks. i lived in paris for like 3 months when i did study abroad, but that was almost 4 years ago. it’s just one of those things that you don’t forget, i’ve got some great drunk stories from there. keep checking in 🙂

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