Tag Archives: music

an ending is an ending

just a thought…

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ok, this is embarrassing, but…

i totally like this miley cyrus song.  don’t tell anybody!!

p.s. she only dances with that pole for, like, 10 seconds. who the hell cares?

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you are not alone, i am here with you…

i love this song.  thanks jen for reminding me.

and i don’t care what anybody says, this songs is awesome:

and i think about this one when i’m doubting myself… you know…

and then you gotta love this one (adam on idol did a really good job on this one– and that’s saying a lot.)

we didn’t care if you were black or white, mj.  later, michael.


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europeans do it better

so i’ve become a bit addicted to youtube and tmz.com.  and as you may have seen a couple posts ago in the link to paul potts, the opera singer who won britain’s got talent in 2007, his audition for the show was one of the most beautiful pieces of music i’ve ever heard- and i don’t like opera.  the closest thing to opera i’ve ever been able to enjoy is the soundtrack to les miserables, a book i still have only pushed half way through (dude, that shit’s like 1200 pages!).  but, having watched american idol every few years (yes, i like kelly clarkson and yes, i voted for david cook last season, ok, i confess) i’ve gotten to know simon cowell’s sour demeanor and how few compliments he doles out.  but when paul potts walked onstage, a chubby, nervous guy with very “british” teeth (to be kind) who had been selling cell phones, and told the judges of bgt that he had come to sing opera they all answered with a collective eye roll.  then the music starts and you see that smug look fall right off cowell’s face and transform into something i have to say i have never witnessed on american idol.  i don’t know if cowell just prefers brits and thinks they’re more talented (although one other finalist was a michael jackson and bubbles the monkey ventriloquist, so, yeah, not that much more talented than americans), but he glowed and smiled in a way i’ve never seen during like 8 seasons of idol.  i’m not trying to sound like one of those lame entertainment bloggers, it’s just that i feel like europeans must have something we americans just don’t possess: sophistication.  do you think an opera singer would stand a snowball’s chance in hell of winning an american idol type contest?

no effing way.

so, since i loved that audition so much, i followed all potts’ performances on the show up through the final and then when he got to sing for the queen (which was like the big prize of the show, uh, do the brits really love the queen so much?).  ok, so all of this happened like two years ago, but i only just heard this guy and i still wanted to share how much he impressed me.  and how impressed i am with the people of britain for actually voting for someone with talent that isn’t mainstream, that isn’t pop-ie.  i mean that dude can really sing.  so, again i say: holy crap.

and since i spent most of the morning yesterday poisoning my mind with little 1-2 minutes video clips from tmz.com (including a 4 minute masterpiece that consisted of watching paris hilton enter an airport bathroom, 4 minutes pass, then *gasp* she emerges to whispers that she probably just took a dump, great stuff right?) i’m listening to the 10th anniversary performance of les mis on youtube and loving it.

les mis is based on a book by french author victor hugo.  told you europeans do it better.

this is my favorite…

and this is my second favorite…

love the international cast- so awesome.  and i think i’ve seen the japanese dude on iron chef.

ok, and i’ve always had a soft spot for this one…

i gotta say, eponine really gets fucked in this book.  her and fantine (she sells her teeth!) are just such so damn pathetic.

last one…

i gotta say, cosette: she’s kind of a bitch.

c’est la vie.


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