Tag Archives: poetry

tattoo unveiling (finally!)

“I prithee send me back my heart,
Since I cannot have thine;
For if from yours you will not part,
Why, then, shouldst thou have mine?”
~John Suckling

*sigh* yeah, still there.

anyway… i’d be a dull person indeed if all i talked about was sad, mopey shit.  moving on!  so, i got this tattoo (my first and only) in april and never posted it because i could not for the life of me get my camera to connect to my laptop.  it’s been bugging me and tonight i decided to eff around with it some more.  i tried putting the memory card into a little drive and, voila!  what’s weird is that i know i tried that before and nothing happened, so i don’t know why it suddenly worked.  so, yeah, here it is, a bit anti-climactic… oh well.  thoughts?

cute, right?

cute, right?

mes etoiles dans noir et blanc…

juste comme ma vie.

if that makes any sense to anybody but me…

well, look at that– i can do poetry (er, sort of), too.


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